The NRA Adaptive Shooting Range Accessibility Subsidy Program provides financial assistance to ranges, clubs and organizations committed to making their facilities accessible to people with disabilities. These funds may be used for projects such as paving a parking lot; installing a ramp; or purchasing accessible shooting benches.
Submit the application – signed by an official representative of the requesting club, range, or organization – to the NRA Adaptive Shooting Program at [email protected] or by mail (NRA Adaptive Shooting Program, 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030).
Provide follow-up documentation once upgrades are completed or gear has been purchased/installed. See details on required documents on the final report.
The maximum subsidy payment is $2,500 per request.
Deficit financing (payment for something already purchased or reimbursement for an event that has already taken place) is not eligible for grant funding.
The NRA's goal is to increase access and participation in shooting activities for people with disabilities through specialized techniques and technologies that are safe and unique to each individual